Judicial Management Council
For more than six decades, 司法部门受益于其司法管理委员会的指导。, 哪些被描述为最高法院的高级管理顾问. Established in November 2012, 目前的jmc是该分支机构的第五家,它被认为是一个“前瞻性的咨询机构,能够熟练地协助首席大法官和最高法院主动识别趋势”, potential crisis situations, and means to address them.” The JMC’s first chair, then Chief Justice Ricky Polston, called the council the “headlights of the branch, shining a high beam toward the future.”
JMC有15名有投票权的成员:首席大法官和另一名大法官, representatives from each level of court, and public members; the state courts administrator is a nonvoting member. In addition, on a temporary, as-needed basis, 理事会邀请其他国家作为无表决权的成员参加. Meeting at least quarterly, the JMC has five areas of responsibility: to identify potential crisis situations affecting the branch and develop strategies for addressing them; to identify and evaluate information that will assist in improving the performance and effectiveness of the branch; to develop and monitor progress related to the branch’s long-range planning endeavors; to review the charges of the various court and Florida Bar commissions and committees, recommending consolidation or revision, and propose a method for coordinating the work of these bodies; and to address issues that the court brings to the council. (See Rule 2.225, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration.)
JMC被设计成一个灵活的机构,可以快速动态地响应分支机构面临的管理问题. 这种敏捷性是通过创建工作组实现的, 每一个都负责特定的任务,通常在任务完成后就会停止工作. Initially, the chief justice created three workgroups: Performance; Education and Outreach; and Access to Justice. The Performance Workgroup, 在按案件类型和工作水平审查归档和处置趋势后, 就如何满足未来分支机构在某些关键绩效领域统一一致的数据报告和分析需求,向法院提出建议. 教育和外联工作小组——处理与有效的内部和外部沟通有关的问题, public trust and confidence, and the use of clear, 统一司法部门内外信息,更新司法部门沟通计划; 传递我们的信息:佛罗里达州司法部门的法院沟通计划,2016年1月 由最高法院批准,并于2016年1月开始实施. 诉诸司法工作组开始了互动式的发展, web-based, 有指引的“自己动手”面谈,方便自行代表的诉讼人前往法庭. This workgroup was sunset in 2020, 当时,bg视讯官方平台与佛罗里达州法院书记官和审计长合作,接管了DIY访谈的持续发展. Please see DIY Florida for more information.
In more recent years, JMC工作组已经成立,以解决审判法庭的安全问题, guardianship, county court jurisdiction, court costs and fines, appellate review of county court decisions, and remote appearance. 根据这些工作组的工作取得的显著成果包括:
- 实施强化审判法庭安保措施, training, 以及与执法部门和其他地方安全伙伴的协调.
- The creation of judicial training on guardianship and standardized guardianship forms for use by the public.
- 开发一个评估法庭费用和罚款的电子系统,并对该系统的用户进行培训.
- 法院裁决的小额索赔管辖权从5美元起增加,000 to $8,并通过立法将县法院管辖权提高到30美元,000 beginning January 1, 2020 (will increase to $50,000 beginning January 1, 2023).
- 从1月1日开始,通过立法,将巡回法院审理大多数县法院最终命令和判决的上诉的权力移交给地区上诉法院, 2021.
- 拟订建议,以便更广泛地采用远程技术进行法庭诉讼, 这些问题最终通过2021年2019冠状病毒病期间和之后法院业务和程序连续性工作组提出的规则修正案得到了解决 Florida Supreme Court Case No. SC21-990.
- 提出在民事案件中实施差别化案件管理的建议. In Florida Supreme Court Case No. SC22-122, 法院为改进和研究工作组的建议,进行了一系列分阶段的移交.
此时,在JMC下有两个活动的工作组:1) Workgroup on Judicial Practices in the Trial Courts and 2) the Workgroup on Access to Justice.
联合军委还负责制定和监督分支机构的长期战略计划. In the fall of 2021, the JMC made its latest updates to the plan, which were approved by the supreme court. Implementation of the 2022-2027 Long-Range Strategic Plan began in January 2022.
有关分行管理委员会的更多信息,请参阅简介 佛罗里达州法院系统程序、计划和倡议的历史.